Last year, my goal was to create more, and consume less.
Every year, the pressure to outline dramatic resolutions mounts as January looms.
But every year I grow older, and hopefully a little wiser, and this time I’m not throwing out my previous resolutions, I’m just evolving them.
Consume better
I feel extremely fortunate to be in a position where I can choose what to buy and where I buy it from.
In the last few years I’ve grown increasingly aware that I can vote with my wallet and choose to actively seek out the shops I want to support, the products I want to buy, and to actively choose to avoid the businesses I don’t agree with.
This year, I intend to focus on this further – rather than just consuming less – less meat, less alcohol, less plastic, less electricity – I also want to ensure the meat, alcohol, products, and energy I consume are better.
Better for me, better for the environment, better for everyone involved.
Create better
Last year I tried creating more.
Creating more certainly helps you build habits, and it helps you maintain your craft.
But I couldn’t bring myself to meet the schedule I set to myself – I found myself creating just to hit a self-prescribed goal. Perhaps I aimed to aggressively – trying to write something new on a daily basis for a few weeks.
I’m done with creating in quantity for now. I want to focus more on quality – on deeper thought, on more unique writing, art, and design.
This year I want to create more, but not too much more. What I really want to do is create better.